Immunology Teaching Interest Group

Friday, May 10, 2019
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Room 32AB

Immunology Teaching Interest Group

Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee


  • Anil K. Bamezai, Villanova Univ.
  • Stephanie James, Regis Univ. Sch. of Pharmacy


  • Michelle Snyder, Towson Univ., Student outcomes in a CURE course using simple model organisms to characterize host-pathogen interactions
  • Laurie Shornick, Saint Louis Univ., Using an entrepreneurial mindset activity to create value in an immunobiology course
  • John Frelinger, Univ. of Rochester, Immunology “hooks”: strategies to increase student engagement
  • William Carr, Medgar Evers Col., City Univ. of New York, Using “Pillars of Immunology” research articles to enhance problem-solving skills among undergraduate students at a Predominantly Black Institution

Breakout Session Leaders:

  • Deborah Brown, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, JiTT strategies and student outcomes
  • Devavani Chatterjea, Macalester Col., Ready to talk about it? A toolkit for reading and discussing scientific papers in undergraduate immunology classrooms
  • Nicholas Pullen, Univ. of Northern Colorado, Authentic science engagement: toward a CURE for undergraduate immunology
  • Kara Lukin, Univ. of Colorado, Denver, Jeffrey Novack, Col. of Med., Pacific Northwest Univ., and Sarah Redmond, Radford Univ., Using case studies across the immunology curriculum

Are you looking for new ideas or strategies to enliven and improve your teaching? If so, please join us for this special interest group which will focus on strategies that instructors can use to successfully convey immunology concepts to students at the undergraduate and graduate level. The session will explore the use of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE), just in time teaching (JiTT), research articles, entrepreneurial mindset activities, and more through talks and structured breakout discussion groups. Current educators, new faculty, and trainees with an interest in teaching are welcome.